Aerodrome Reporting Officer (ARO) Training Programs
Advancing your career has never been easier

About Aerodrome Reporting Officer (ARO) Training Programs
There are different Aerodrome Reporting Officer (ARO) training programs available to choose from. However, every aerodrome is different and training that is suitable for one aerodrome might not be suitable for another.
Whatever your situation, whatever your requirements, we have a training solution for everyone.

RTO 41195
Our Aerodrome Reporting Officer (ARO) Training Programs
Aerodrome Reporting Officer Skill Set
The course satisfies the needs of an Aerodrome Reporting Officer (ARO) or Works Safety Officer (WSO) intending to work at an Australian certified aerodrome of any category or size. The Aerodrome Reporting Officer Skill Set AVISS00053 is nationally recognised ARO training. The course delivers competencies from the Australian Government curriculum AVI Aviation Training Package, and meets the requirements of CASA AC139.C-02 for Aerodrome Reporting Officer training.
Aerodrome Reporting Officer Refresher Course
Our online Aerodrome Reporting Officer Refresher program will keep your qualifications current. This ARO professional development program gives you access to learning material when you need it. The units provide credits towards our nationally recognised Aerodrome Reporting Officer Skill Set AVISS00053. You have 3-months access to your online interactive learning system which offers informative, challenging and entertaining content to refresh your memory of rules, regulations and standards and develop your specialist knowledge of aerodrome operations. Mixed media including video, photographic and interactive assessment quizzes are designed to teach you what you’ve forgotten, and keep you compliant with MOS 139.
AROC Training and Assessment
Learn aviation radio phraseology, normal radio operation and how to manage radio malfunctions during this one-day AROC training course. This course includes Aeronautical Radio Operator Skill Set AVISS00074 and the Aviation English Language Proficiency test (AELP).
Works Safety Officer
Basic course: time limited or MOWP
Works Safety Officer (WSO) skill set. This entry-level three-day WSO course prepares you for work as a works safety officer (WSO) at any certified aerodrome in Australia. You may choose between two disciples: time-limited works, or method of working plan safety officer. The course delivers competencies from the Australian Government curriculum AVI08 Aviation Training Package, and meets the requirements of CASA AC139.C-02 for Works Safety Officer.
Our Guarantees
We offer the highest quality of training in Aerodrome Operations, Aviation Safety Management Systems and Leadership to both individuals and industry personnel. Our courses are designed in consultation with industry experts in accordance with the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (AC139) Standards, Australian Skills and Qualifications Standards, and ICAO principles.
That’s why we offer our training guarantee:
We will teach you how to perform your tasks efficiently.
We will coach you along through the program as you develop your skills and ensure that you are competent and confident, before you leave the Institute.
You will be ready to work.

RTO 41195
What do I need to do?
For corporate clients
To organise ARO training for your organisation or to speak to our friendly staff, please contact us using the corporate enquiry form.
For individuals
Select ARO training that you require and complete an enrolment form. Limited places available.
A little more about ASSET Aviation Institute
Established in 2007, ASSET Aviation Institute is a world-class training provider specialising in the aviation training for pilots and aerodrome operators. We’re part of the ICAO TPP network, representing Australia as the ICAO training centre.
Our professional instructors are carefully selected, respected experts with considerable experience and knowledge in their field. Our instructors are all international safety practitioners, managers and leaders with decades of operational experience for some of the world’s largest organisations. But most importantly, our instructors are teachers: their role is to help you learn and build your competence. They do this by sharing with your their years of operational history and experience and offering a guiding hand to get you through the program.
Want to fast track? Apply for recognition of prior learning (RPL).
We’re not here to teach you what you already know – which is why you’ll have no classes to attend or exams to worry about. And because this isn’t actually a course, you won’t have to spend excessive time and money on getting Aerodrome Reporting Officer qualifications. Instead, you simply need to demonstrate your existing expertise in the following areas through our friendly RPL program.
Aerodrome Reporting Officer Skill Set AVISS00053
1. Inspect and report on aerodrome serviceability
2. Inspect and report on aerodrome lighting systems
3. Inspect and report on obstacle limitation surfaces
4. Drive on the airside
5. Complete a Notice to Airmen
6. Operate aeronautical radio
7. Facilitate the safety of aerodrome works and works site access
8. Maintain basic situation awareness in the aviation workplace
And if you’re a little rusty in some areas? Not a problem.
We provide self-study resources to refresh your mind and boost your confidence. Plus, we’re here to walk you through the process and answer any questions – every step of the way.

RTO 41195
What our students say
“This is an excellent course for Aerodrome Reporting Officer training.”
What do I need to do?
For corporate clients
To organise ARO training for your organisation or to speak to our friendly staff complete our corporate enquiry form.
For individuals
Select ARO training that you require and complete an enrolment form. Limited places available.

Entry to the aerodrome airside starts with Aerodrome Reporting Officer ARO Skill Set AVISS00053. But if you have existing skills and experience in the field, ASSET Aviation Institute can fast track your qualifications through recognition of prior learning.
Once qualified, keep your ARO skills and knowledge up-to-date and compliant, with our online ARO Refresher course.
Q: Can I book in-house training?
A: Yes, we can come to you and deliver training and assessment for any of our ARO training programs:
- Aerodrome Reporting Officer Skill Set AVISS00053
- Certificate III in Aviation (Aerodrome Operations) AVI30516
- Basic Aerodrome Reporting and Works Safety Officer course
If your staff need ARO refresher training, our online interactive learning system gives you over 12 hours of informative and entertaining content to refresh your memory of rules, regulations and standards. Mixed media including video, photographic and interactive assessment quizzes are designed to teach you what you’ve forgotten, and keep you compliant with MOS 139.
Q: What does career pathway mean?
A: Career development is the ongoing process of managing your life, learning and work. It involves developing the skills and knowledge that enable you to plan and make informed decisions about your education, training and career choices.
Possible career pathways after completing the nationally recognised Aerodrome Reporting Officer Skill Set AVISS00053 or Certificate III in Aviation (Aerodrome Operations) AVI30516 may include:
- Aerodrome Reporting Officer
- Airport Safety Officer
- Airside Operations Officer
- Operations Officer
- Works Safety Officer.
Q: Will your ARO training enable me to get the licence or ticket I need to work in the Aviation industry?
A: Upon successful completion of your chosen ARO program and its assessments, all of our ARO training programs will enable you to get the certificate that is recognised by the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) and Australian Aerodromes, to allow you to work as an ARO.
With our Aerodrome Reporting Officer Skill Set AVISS 00053 you can also apply for CASA’s Aeronautical Radio Operator Certificate (AROC).
Q: Can I build on your Aerodrome Reporting Officer training / qualifications in the future?
A: Absolutely yes!
Our online Aerodrome Reporting Officer course provides credits towards our Aerodrome Reporting Officer Skill Set AVISS00053.
Our Aerodrome Reporting Officer Skill Set AVISS00053 is nationally recognised. If you successfully complete this course, the qualification that you will achieve will be recognised and accepted by any other Australian registered training organisation.
Q: Do you offer assistance to secure a job after finishing the ARO training?
A: We do not offer assistance to secure a job after finishing the course, because in addition to your qualifications, aerodromes might have other requirements, such as your personal skills or ability to work after hours.
However, we provide the best quality, accredited training. ASSET Aviation is known to the Aviation Transport and Defence Industry for its excellence and quality in training.
Q: Do you offer support services to help with my study?
A: Our training delivery is based on the ICAO and Oxbridge style of learning, which focuses on small group tutorials, practical exercises and working closely with an academic mentor.